Raimondo Campisi |
Campisi was
born in Cairo, Egypt the 16 July 1947. His Greek mother and
Italian father were both pianists employed as professors at the
Tiegerman Piano Academy in Cairo. Raimondo’s father Oreste
Campisi, pianist and conductor, has to this day left a deep
impression on Raimondo. Already at the age of four Raimondo used
to listen to his father playing the piano in his study and the
boy went straight to the second piano next door and started
copying his father playing Brahms. Realizing the
exceptional talent of his son, Oreste Campisi started teaching
him and later Raimondo studied under Ignace Tiegerman, Director
and owner of the Tiegermann Academy and a pupil of one of
Chopin’s pupils.
1958 the Campisi family went back to Milan, Italy and soon
Raimondo started to study with Alberto Mozzati. During the
following seven years of his study and subsequent graduation
with diploma from the Conservatory G. Verdi in Milan, Raimondo
Campisi met international musicians such as Arturo Benedetti-Michelangeli,
Nikita Magaloff, Tito Fontana and Duke Ellington. He soon
developed a deep interest in jazz and became one of the first
pianists of his time to be equally adept at playing in both
styles. His recital of Gershwin and other composers at the
Wigmore Hall in 1986 abundantly displayed his unique talent.
Campisi is the author of a number of compositions as well.
Campisi has won several international piano competitions and
prizes: 1st Prize at the International Maria Canals
of Barcelona,
1st Prize at the Taranto Concours, 1st
Prize of merit at the International concours of Enna, 1st
Prize and Diploma of Honour and merit at Pozzoli de Seregno of
Milan, 1st Prize at the Concours of Trevise and 1st
Prize by the French Institute for the best interpretation of
Ravel. In addition he was awarded “Prix du Publique” at
Versailles, Paris at the George Cziffra concert and awarded a
Prize at the International Chopin Competition in Poland.
Furthermore, Raimondo Campisi was awarded the title of “Knight
of the Arts” by the President of Italy in 1988.
During his exceptional career Campisi has given more than 1000
concerts in famous places such as La Scala, Milano, Teatro di
l’Opera in Rome and played on radio and TV in Monte Carlo,
Spain, Switzerland and Italy. Today he still gives concerts,
master classes and is frequently asked as member of juries in
international competitions.
Secolo d’Italia 82 wrote:
and poetry, that is Schubert….since the first Volume of the
collection all qualities of the Maestro from Milan stand out and
must be found in his clear but warm sound, in a “cantabile”
never over-sentimental, in a coherent genuine interpretation
emerging from those pages. Listen and you will believe”.
Diapason wrote:
Schubert Integral Dances for Piano… Campisi possesses strength,
lightness and “rubato”, he knows which mysterious harmony can
rise even from the least important of those phrases”.
Monde, Parigi wrote: “…. precise, emotional, original in the
“cantabile”, “rubato” and in ornamentation…. given his maturity
of the last generation of concert performers, Campisi seems not
to belong to his age. His refined pianism, through instant
romantic ascend in a contained dimension of sound, is always
warm and expressive and bring us back to faraway times, to an
amusing and naïf atmosphere”.